Elected by the town voters every four years, the Clerk Treasurer is responsible for the financial matters of the Town of Fowler...
Council members are elected and serve four year terms. Collectively, the Council makes all decisions pertaining to Town matters...
Our local parks are devoted to improving the quality of life for citizens of all ages. Offering a place to gather, play, exercise, and just enjoy getting outdoors. Our parks offers a wide range of things to do...
Local law enforcement is made up of both full and part time officers. All of which are dedicated to the safety and well-being of our citizens...
The Fowler-Center Township Volunteer Fire Department is made up of 24 firefighters passionate about serving the town of Fowler, Center Township and parts of Pine, Gilboa and Parish Grove Townships...
With 21.06 miles of road to maintain, our crew (of only 3) manages a variety of factors to keep the roadways clear of snow, debris, potholes and much more...
We don't often think much about it, but water is something we all enjoy. Our Water Department is amazing at meeting the demands required to provide clean, plentiful water to our homes and businesses...
One of the most important aspects of any community is the comfort and care of its citizenry... proper management of waste is a priority our team takes much pride in...
Creating and maintaining a standard of living that we can all be proud of, requires that a strong set of guidelines to be continually updated and diligently overseen...
Here to help. Our Building Commissioner is knowledgeable in building standards and requirements, to insure that buildings of all types are constructed to be safe and meet local standards...
Throughout the county. the Code Enforcer works with local building commish and fire department to provide educational training, code interpretation and on-site inspection assistance.